Energize / Collaborate

Leveraging Community Content with Social Media and SEO Strategies



A global business development association in the human resources industry had essential B2B website content designed to help global workforce managers learn about employee benefits in different countries. This content was both a resource to the association’s HR clients and a lead generation tool. The challenge was that this information was not coming up in online search results, nor was there any social media program to promote the content further.


For search engine optimization (SEO), I provided the project’s thought leadership for the digital marketing team’s research to identify keywords and search terms the target market used to find benefits information about a specific country. Drawing on these insights, I managed the implementation of a digital marketing project that significantly enriched the information on each country page and strategically incorporated page-specific keywords on the site. The project’s goal was to have search engine algorithms see the association as the authority on global employee benefits and bring the association’s pages into the first page of search results.   

In tandem, I oversaw the implementation of the project to build the social media program to promote this new content and other articles the association produced on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, with LinkedIn being the primary focus. Profiles showcasing the human side of the association rather than solely technical knowledge was a big part of the plan to boost following and recognition and, ultimately, sales inquiries. 


Within six months, the association’s 50 core pages across the board ranked 1-3 in search results for the targeted search terms, beating out much larger global competitors for these sought-after positions. Online targeted business development referrals more than quintupled compared to previous years. And the association’s LinkedIn following grew from ~100 to ~600 followers.