
Wendi Pickerel is community cognitive

"She carries light into the room."


In our massively disrupted and evolving marketplace, communication and soft skills are the skills that matter most.

Communication and strong, rooted soft skills are the value-added traits humans bring to the Artificial Intelligence world. While intelligent machines will dominate technical, repetitive, and quantitative work, humans will be needed for the nuance their soft skills bring to the setting.

I am predominately a communications strategy and organizational management professional with a strong background in building and managing local and international strategic partnerships and global programs. Review my professional background here.

With two decades of experience building, operationalizing, and leading B2B communities across global geographies, functions, and roles, I excel at pulling out the big ideas, finding the hidden kernels of truth, and getting everyone invested in a mutual upside. I know how to help stakeholder teams and communities harness their combined cognitive power.

Collaborating with me means you have a colleague who is a cross-disciplinary, creative problem solver who loves working with clients to move strategic objectives from ephemeral ideas to tangible results. And nothing is more effective at enhancing and leveraging stakeholder engagement and improving a community’s value to its members than results.

The little technician in me keeps the initiative on time and aligns your goals with your stakeholders’ needs.

Contact me to discuss how Community Cognitive will help you realize your most crucial initiatives and leverage your stakeholder communities.

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Wendi Pickerel

Community Cognitive
Contact me

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